Monthly Archives: May 2014

Well: 4 Days, 11 Pounds

A new study suggests that minimal calories and maximal exercise can significantly reduce body fat in just four days — and the loss lasts for months.

NYT > Fitness & Nutrition

Lastest Exercise Equipment News

25 Reasons Running Is The Ultimate Workout
4. It's free. You don't have to shell out dough for a gym membership, fancy equipment, or boutique studio classes. All you need is a good pair of trainers and you're ready to go! © bestfitnessbody. 5. It's a calorie torcher. Running can burn twice as …

Suspension training exercises promote functional strength
Greg Georgis is the Owner/Founder of FitMe Wellness, a health club offering a holistic approach to health, fitness and wellness. In addition to state-of-the art fitness equipment, group classes and private training, FitMe Wellness provides a variety of …
Read more on Rockford Register Star (blog)

Phys Ed: Brain Changes in College Football Players Raise New Concerns

The brains of college football players are different from the brains of other students, a new study reports, adding to concerns that sports-related hits to the head could have lingering effects even in healthy athletes who’ve never had a concussion.

NYT > Fitness & Nutrition

How Wearable Tech Is Changing Exercise Research

How Wearable Tech Is Changing Exercise Research
Is the Tough Mudder Too Dangerous? The technology in fitness trackers is changing the way researchers study exercise, allowing them to gather much more detailed information about how people move throughout the day, experts say. The change is being …
Read more on Discovery News

Health For Life: Best to avoid strength training mistakes
If you are just beginning, one of the best ways to avoid mistakes and learn proper technique and form is to work with a trainer. There are some common mistakes to avoid, as well as some machines that pose greater risk and should be approached with …
Read more on Green Valley News