Readers solve the mysterious case of the little boy from Minnesota with fevers and night sweats.
Tag Archives: Like
Think Like a Doctor: The Boy With Nighttime Fevers
Not cancer, said the hematologist. The gastroenterologist got an M.R.I. of the child’s digestive system. Nothing there. So what was it?
Think Like a Doctor: A Cough That Won’t Stop Solved!
A healthy middle-aged man can’t stop coughing. Our readers helped solve the mystery.
Think Like a Doctor: The Tired Gardener Solved!
Readers solve the case of a previously healthy 67-year-old gardener who is too exhausted and feverish to garden.
Well: Think Like a Doctor: Sick at the Wedding Solved!
What was wrong with a man who suddenly became ill at his brother’s wedding? More than 400 of you offered your diagnoses, but no one got it completely right.
NYT > Fitness & Nutrition
Think Like a Doctor: Packing on the Pounds Solved!
Readers solve the case of a 59-year-old woman with unexplained weight gain.
Well: Think Like a Doctor: Packing on the Pounds Solved!
Readers solve the case of a 59-year-old woman with unexplained weight gain.
NYT > Fitness & Nutrition
Well: When Friends Are ‘Like Family’
The comfort of a close bond can sometimes morph into the restraints of bondage.
NYT > Fitness & Nutrition
Think Like a Doctor: Drowning on Dry Land Solved
Readers solve the case of a 67-year-old healthy retiree who suddenly develops knife-like chest pain and a worsening cough.
Think Like a Doctor: Thunder in the Head Solved
Readers try to solve the case of a middle aged man who developed chest pain that radiated to his neck, followed by a persistent and loud whooshing in his ear.