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Tag Archives: Live
Eat Whole Grains, Live Longer?
Two large studies have reached the same conclusion: Eating whole grains is associated with significant reductions in the risk for premature death.
Churchgoers May Live Longer
Attending religious services more than once a week was associated with a 33 percent lower risk for death compared to those who did not attend services.
Sit Less, Live Longer?
If people need motivation to get up from their office chairs or couches and become less sedentary, two useful new studies could provide the impetus.
Where You Live Matters for Lifesaving Liver Transplants
A recent analysis found the farther patients lived from a Veterans Administration liver transplant center, the more likely they were to die waiting for a transplant.
How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer
An encouraging new study finds that exercise may slash your risk of heart disease, regardless of your cholesterol numbers or waist size.