Tag Archives: Hard
Breaking Good News Can Be as Hard as Breaking Bad
A large part of what it means to be a physician is to be the harbinger of bad news.
Hard Cases: When the Influence of a Patient’s Former Doctor Lingers
In a field with no one right answer, a doctor must deal with patients’ wanting a course of action that the doctor finds perplexing, if not wrong.
NYT > Fitness & Nutrition
Hard Cases: Genes Tell Only Part of the Story
The lives of patients are far more complex, and messier, than science can explain.
NYT > Fitness & Nutrition
Know the Hard Choices Prolonging Life Entails
Before making an advance directive, talk with your doctor and your caregiver about just how far end-of-life care should go at the cost of comfort.
Well: Overestimating How Hard We Exercise
What counts as “moderate” exercise? Many of us think we’re doing more of it than we really are..
NYT > Fitness & Nutrition
How Safe Is Cycling? It’s Hard to Say
Although many cyclists have strong opinions on their sport’s safety, there’s not enough of the right data to make a conclusion.
Hard Cases: The Calculus of Primary Care
Primary care doctors must sometimes disown a patient to give the best care possible, but patients may resist being handed off to specialists.